MAZEPPA by Tchaikovsky
"If it at first it seemed a little foolhardy to mount such a big work on a small scale, any doubts were quickly laid to rest right from the opening women's chorus. You could just sit back, forget the spectacle and concentrate on Tchaikovsky's luscious vocal writing."

Wayne Gooding, OPERA CANADA


(Trinity St. Paul's Centre
427 Bloor St W, Toronto)


Sunday, January 12, 2025
2:30 pm

La Rondine
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Friday, March 21, 2025
8 pm

Robert Le Diable
Friday, April 25, 2025
8 pm

VOICEBOX: Opera Salon Series
(at The Edward Jackman Centre - 947 Queen Street East, Toronto)

Gluck's Revolutionary Reforms
November 9, 2024 4 pm

A flight of Fancy – Puccini's Swallow
February 8, 2025 4 pm

Grand Opera in Paris
April 12, 2025 4 pm



A French Opera with English Surtitles

Sunday, January 12, 2025 2:30 pm
at Jeanne Lamon Hall, Trinity-St. Paul's Centre

Running Time: TBA

This opera is celebrated for its emotional depth and the reformative approach Gluck took to operatic composition, focusing on dramatic expression and simplicity.

Robert Cooper, Chorus Director
Suzy Smith, Music Director and Pianist

Lauren Margison as Alceste


King Admète is gravely ill, and the people of Pherae are filled with sorrow at the thought of losing their just and faithful king. They seek guidance from their god, Apollo, who decrees that the king will die unless a sacrifice is offered to take his place. Queen Alceste cannot bear to lose her husband, and does not want to leave her people without their protector, so she decides to take the sacrifice upon herself.

Immediately, King Admète's health returns, but when he learns it is at the price of his beloved wife's own life, he rejects it. Life without Alceste would be torture to him and she should not have offered herself in this way. He appeals to Apollo to release them from this bond, but nothing can be done. Alceste's oath is with death himself.

The appointed time arrives, and Alceste approaches the gates to the underworld. Admète cannot live without his wife, and follows her to the gates, prepared to accept the fate that was originally his. Thanatos, the god of death, meets them and tells them to decide; only one life is owed. The infernal spirits linger around them while husband and wife try to bargain to save each other.

Fate has brought the hero Hercule to the palace, and on hearing of the impending sacrifice, Hercule faces the infernal spirits in a great battle. At that moment, Apollo himself descends from the heavens and puts everything right. After seeing such true love and devotion between two good and honorable people, he cannot permit them to suffer such pain. He restores Alceste's life, and leaves them to live out their days in peace and happiness.